20 nov 2014

No Surfing

I've stole this from the amazing Ben Pams and I think we all can see ourselves reflected in those fantastic cartoons.

Listen to PAMs and they'll become your favourite band ever

18 nov 2014

Why be something you're not

There is always a good reason to play Grey Hairs. END

15 nov 2014

On your own

Be yourself
Be yourself
Be yourself
Easy to understand, isn't it?
I'm already being myself,
I say so
I tell to my parents,
I tell to my friends,
I tell to my girlfriend,
I tell to my boyfriend,
I post it on Facebook,
I post on Twitter,
and then I refresh,
And then I compare myself
with everyone else
and fall into hype,
and then I feel lonely
And don't

This is what I´ve been listening for the last months, people making their own thing, take it or leave it:

Royal Atlas

Actual Crimes

Giant Burger


Charla Fantasma

Black Fungus